Caribbean Artist, Caribbean Painting

Well my third mural is well on it’s way to completion and onto my fifth week creating her…. I receive many wonderful comments from people coming to the Coliseum Suite at the luxurious Nirvana Spa in Berkshire. They say they are enjoying watching me paint as they relax floating in the circular oxygenated pool……. eagerly waiting for me to start …


My Murals

Caribbean Artist, Caribbean Painting

There is a saying “ Be careful what you pray for” but as I believe in prayer, God really does answer my prays. As an Artist I have painted small 10 x 12 inch canvas’s up to larger pieces sized: 68 x 76 inches. But I got to thinking I really dont want to paint smaller pieces anymore so prayed …

My Murals

My Flying Lesson


Well on the 17th July at 2pm, I took the plunge and had my first flying lesson at Blackbushe Airport in Camberely. Aerobility Flying Club is a registered Charity for anyone who has a disability who wants to learn to fly. Everyone made me feel so welcome, it was fantastic……… but everyone kept asking “are you nervous” I almost started …

My Flying Lesson