BBC Documentary!

admin Caribbean Artist

I am working on a new piece which should be finished soon and hope to feature it on my website. The Island of Barbados has been quiet but there is now a business about the place as Christmas approaches. Already invitations are coming in and it looks like a busy time ahead.
I recently was approached by BBC2 who are doing a documentary early in 2015 and they approached me as an International Artist in the Caribbean to participate in their programme. Of course I said yes. The filming was fun and I look forward to viewing it.
Recently, having delivered three pieces of my work to clients on the West Coast,  I was invited for cocktails in their beautiful villa on the beach. Conversation flowed talking Art and such which then lead to being invited to the next door neighbour’s villa to see his collection of art. When I saw his dining chairs I was at home!! Delightfully a ‘Brock’ chair indeed!!  It is a shame the picture is a little out of focus but it’s a lot of fun.